Respecting the privacy of users is very important for textpit. This page describes how to store and use users’ information from textpit services.

Storage and use of data:

One of the features of the textpit program is the offline mode. To use this feature, pages are compressed and stored in the device’s memory so that these saved pages can be used if you do not have access to the internet!

Internet access and its status:

Every day, thousands of texts are added to textpit, which requires the internet to be always up-to-date and receive online data. Textpit will check your internet access status and display the data offline if there is no internet access!

Data usage:

In order to provide better services, textpit saves the information about your use and likes of the texts to guide the authors to provide better services by preparing a report on the popularity of the text and its feedback!

Taking care of user information:

In textpit, users’ private information is not stored in any way, and users’ email and password are encrypted, and textpit is responsible for maintaining all the above-mentioned information; in such a way that no person, whether real or legal, will not have the right to access the said information.

Send text (bio, message and quote)

You must register on the site to send text and manage them. If you have already registered, log in to your account.

What facilities will I have access to with Word to the user account?

  • send text
  • Follow friends
  • View friends’ posts
  • Send private messages to yourself and other users
  • Receive different types of medals based on the level of activity
  • Profile customization and the possibility of inserting email and contact number
  • Etc…

Log In

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Password *

Reset Password

User login/email


User Name *
E-mail *
Password *
Confirm Password *

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