
Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own …

Once you start loving your own presence, you stop chasing people in your life.

Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself.

And then the day came,

when the risk

to remain tight

in a bud

was more painful

than the risk

it took

to blossom.

“Anais Nin”

Go to the end of the path until you get to the gate.

Go through the gate and head straight out towards the horizon.

Keep going towards the horizon.

Sit down and have a rest every now and again,

But keep on going, just keep on with it.

Keep on going as far as you can.

That’s how you get there.


With the sun in my hand

Gonna throw the sun

Way across the land-

Cause I’m tired,

Tired as I can be

“Langston Hughes”

Look at the stars in the dark world


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